Wednesday, February 11, 2009

First Entry

It's always good to get these things out of the way.

Like the first taste of a new food, first entries rarely give much of a taste of what a blog will become in tine.

I'm a guy from the midwest, older than most, past the middle of my life, with a partner, two cats, and cautious optimism about the future of a country that could elect Barack Obama. I live in Illinois.

I am currently:
  • Looking for work
  • Appearing in a play
  • Planning to fly to California this weekend to see some of my family and meet some of my partner's.
  • Starting this blog
I read blogs daily--Andrew Sullivan, Matt Yglesias, Joe.My.God, Volokh Conspiracy--not because I agree with them but because I learn from them.

I tend to read blogs that primarily discuss public issues, and I suspect that this blog will become that, so that this post will be a bit of an anomaly. But everything starts somewhere, and that's what incipitation is all about: Starting things: First words; first notes; the birth of phenomena.

First impressions can mean a lot.